Updates and Notices
In the Yellow Room
Over the next two weeks in the baby room, we will be focusing on more one on one bonding time for the younger children. Activities such as eye to eye singing in the cosy area will help to build close relationships. For the older children, we will be focusing on more physical play e.g walkers and rockers. This will build the strength in their legs as they are encouraged to stand and walk along using the walkers.
We will also be introducing the ‘Thank You’ sign, which we will be using daily to help familiarise our children with Makaton sign language. Every two weeks this will be changing so our children can start to learn a variety of different Makaton as they progress.
In Red Room 1 & 2
In the next two weeks in Red Room One, we will be using the ‘Thank You’ incorporating it into all activities. We will be using autumn colours for painting, shaving foam, playdough and cornflour. This is to celebrate the harvest season and autumn. It encourages the children to repeat sounds and words and use single words. Eventually extending to using two words together. It also supports the children to play alongside each other taking turns.
In Red Room 2 over the next two weeks, we are doing a variety of activities to support the children to put two words together. We are doing activities such as moon sand and cornflour using animals and home corner equipment together with them. We are encouraging naming animals and sounds and using words such as; drink, eat, cook it, mix it, gone and more.
We are also working on the Makaton sign thank you for the next two weeks, which can be seen here
In Green Room 1 & 2
In Green Room 1 & 2 over the next two weeks, we are focusing on both the ‘Kitchen Disco’ and ‘Bathtime PeekaBoo’ story sacks. We will be reinforcing the following words from the book; pear, apple, banana, lemon, book, bath, fish, bubble and baby.
We will be singing ‘Good morning and good afternoon’ and encourage you all to sing these songs at home, the song is here.
We will also be making chocolate apples to celebrate Goose Fair.
In the Pre-School
Fortnightly Book
‘Room on the Broom’ is Blue room 1’s book, they will be creating broomsticks, making animal and witch masks and playing rhyming games.
In Blue Room 2 ‘Lima’s Red Hot Chilli’ is our fortnightly book. We will be making shopping lists of our favourite foods, food tasting and having a hot and cold experiment.
Blue Room 3 will be reading ‘Animal Pants’. The children will be doing activities based around the book and look at different animal habitats.
Our letter of the week is Aa in Blue Room 1
In Blue Room 2 our letter of the week is Tt
Ss is the letter of the week in Blue Room 3
We are all trying to think of lots of things beginning with our letters/the sound it makes, what items do you have at home beginning with our letters? What can you see beginning with our letters on the way to nursery? Can you bring anything in to show us beginning with our letter? We are using our new phoneme bags which are just next to reception, we will also be learning an alliterative rhyme that matches our letter (for example ‘C’ Carol the Cat clicks her castanets). We will also be learning the jolly phonics action.
Our number of the week is 3 in Blue Room 1
In Blue Room 2 our number is 3
4 is the number of the week in Blue Room 3
Talking to your child about these numbers will really reinforce our teaching. This helps your child’s ability to recognize numbers and aids in their mathematical development. In all rooms, we will be counting to our number. Talking about the different ways we can make our number (for example 5 = 3 + 2, 4 + 1, 5 + 0 etc.). Also looking at where it is on our number line and which numbers come before and after it.
In Blue Room 1 our children will be looking at measuring and comparative language. We will be making height charts and comparing objects to see what is larger/smaller etc.
Comparative measures are the focus for Blue Room 2’s children. The children will be using measuring tools to measure different objects, we will also be looking at the words relating to this; long, short, big, small, wide, thin.
In Blue Room 3 the children will be studying sizes (big, medium, small). We will be comparing and organising objects we find in and around the nursery.
Homework sheets for the Pre-School are available in both the rooms and on the door in a plastic wallet. Please ask your room leader for a sheet if you cannot find one.